Pokémon Season 6 Episode 28

Ash and co. continue training and are joined by Prof. Birch. May is so happy that her Silcoon will soon evolve. Elsewhere Jessie is still in denial of the fact that her "Silcoon" is really a Cascoon. After a fierce battle, Silcoon evolves into Beautifly and blows away Team Rocket with a Gust attack.

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Watch Seeing Is Believing!
Air Date: 24 April 2004
Director: Kunihiko Yuyama
Language: English
Runtime: 22 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Eric Stuart, Madeleine Blaustein, Ikue Ôtani, Amy Birnbaum, Dan Green, Kayzie Rogers
