Pokémon Season 10 Episode 7

While they prepare to eat lunch, Team Rocket finds a pile of berries belonging to a Golduck, Wooper, Quagsire, and Poliwag, and steal them. When some of these berries wind up with some Ludicolo, Golduck begins to yell at the Ludicolo. Team Rocket attacks Golduck and sends it flying so that Ludicolo will join there side.

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Watch Like It or Lup It!
Air Date: 13 June 2007
Director: Norihiko Sutô
Language: English
Runtime: 22 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Sarah Natochenny, Michele Knotz, Emily Bauer, James Carter Cathcart, Bill Rogers, Rodger Parsons, Ikue Ôtani, Hilary Thomas, Kayzie Rogers
