CSI: Miami Season 2 Episode 8

A stock trading firm's janitor finds option trader Stephen Bremer dead, his throat slit, in his office, next to champagne and stiletto heel traces. He used a laptop, which is gone, to order over a WiFi in a nearby building (to avoid his employer's spy-ware) for $1,000 as 'RoughTrade' prostitute Amanda, who was however on Jason Flager's commercial web-cam at the time of the murder... Meanwhile, Horatio's dirty cop brother Raymond Caine's case is re-opened and eventually solved when Horatio Caine learns Susie Barnam Keaton is arrested shortly after her probation in Indiana for possession of met-amphetamine, which actually belongs to her partner Robert 'Bob' Keaton, with whom she raises 4 year-old Madison, but after she posts his bail Horatio finds the girl is biologically Ray's...
