Werewolf Rising (2014)

Emma is a country girl who left for the big city only to return years later with big problems. And when she returns to her childhood home deep in the Arkansas mountains for some well needed rest, relaxation, and soul searching, her problems have only just begun. A bloodthirsty werewolf emerges from the woods to lay siege to the area, ravaging anything in its path and revealing a sinister underworld that most never knew existed. With a full moon hanging over the area, Emma is plunged into a fight not only for her life, but for her very soul...

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Watch Werewolf Rising
Release: September 2014
Director: BC Furtney
Language: English
Runtime: 78 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Brian Berry, Melissa Carnell, Matt Copko, Taylor Horneman, Danielle Lozeau, Irena Murphy, Bill Oberst Jr.
