Danger Close (2017)

Freelance female war reporter Alex Quade covers U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) on highly classified combat missions. Since 2001, she has embedded with elite SOF, including the U.S. Army Special Forces or Green Berets, Army Rangers, Navy Seals, and CIA clandestine operatives to tell their stories from the front lines.

Close Encounters of the Third KindWallace and Gromit in A Close ShaveExtremely Loud and Incredibly CloseAt Close RangeUp Close & PersonalSo CloseClose RangeThe Marine 6: Close QuartersDangerous Brothers Present: World of DangerDanger Close

Watch Danger Close
Release: April 2017
Director: Christian Tureaud
Language: English
Runtime: 90 Minutes
More Info: IMDb

Cast: Wendy R. Anderson, Aaron Brandenburg, Nancy M. Pirelli, Robert Ryan Pirelli, Shawn E. Pirelli, Stacey L. Pirelli, Alex Quade
